- Provide seller with a Market Analysis to establish the most effective asking price.
- Make recommendations on staging house to improve it for quickest sale at the highest price.
- Provide on-the-spot exposure of your property by placing a Coldwell Banker for sale sign on property.
- Prepare a “Quality Features Sheet” to tell about the house, pointing out all the special features and benefits to the buyer.
- Mail just listed notification to neighbors in a Special Envelope to stand out.
- E-Mail, Fax and/or telephone information about the house to agents that are active in the area.
- Place house on our office tour of new listings to expose listing to agents in our office.
- Report the results of our agent’s comments, so that we can fine-tune our marketing plan.
- Use a professional photographer for photos, virtual tour and professional TV spot.
- Create a custom website for your home.
- Produce a thorough and complete MLS listing, pointing out all the benefits to buyers and agents.
- Promote house to every qualified client, buyer and investor we know of and have in our client database.
- Create exclusive mobile brochure for delivery to buyer’s mobile phone.
- Place advertisement on our www.Facebook.com/ElkGroveRealEstate page.
- Place advertisement on our www.TeamEdwardsRealEstate.com website.
- Create a custom website for your listing.
- Place advertisement on ColdwellBanker.com, Realtor.com, Trulia.com + 700+ real estate websites.
- Personally host an open house if requested by the seller. (Not all sellers want open houses)
- Magazine Advertising and Professional TV spot on Channel 31 on Saturdays at 4:30.
- Advertise and promote house to the Agents who actively work in your area and price range.
- Follow up with the agents that have shown house to prospective buyers for their buyers’ reactions.
- Inform client of new listings that may have an impact on the sale or price.
- Call, Text or e-Mail daily, biweekly, weekly, bimonthly, to keep client apprised of the status of listing. (based upon seller’s wants/needs)
- Review offer(s) and negotiate to obtain the best possible price and terms for seller.
- Be with seller through the close of escrow and beyond. Keeping Escrow Closed!!!
Click here to get a full color copy of my Gold Listing Concierge Flyer
In addition to the above, I also provide community information resources to buyers and sellers at my local website, www.LivingInElkGrove.com that you will not find with any other Realtor.